Aug 17, 2009

This is my brother.

So this may not entertain many of you, but it probably brought the biggest smile I have had on my face for weeks. My brother is serving an LDS mission in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is horrible at sending pictures home, so I have not seen his bright smiley?? face for six whole months. My brother and I are 2 years apart and have been totally tight since infancy. Since he's been gone it has been a totally rewarding and spiritual experience, but parts of me feel like part of my soul is running around with him.

We got his weekly e-mail, and he gave us a link to his missions website. He mish pres. is very good at posting pics, and as I was looking through the pictures DYING to see a picture of him I stumbled upon this gem......

I had to blast my way through 150 pictures to find my brother not even looking at the camera with his eyes crossed and a look on his face like he is mental.


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